A luxurious premium from Davidoff.
It doesn’t get any nicer than the Zino Platinum Scepter Series. The cigar was made for cigar enthusiasts who only enjoy the best and most unique cigars. Blended by master blender Henke Kelner and rolled at the famous Tabadom Factory, there is nothing missing from this cigar. A Connecticut Shade wrapper covers a mix of Peruvian and Dominican fillers that are aged at least four years.
As soon as you light up a Platinum Scepter, a burst of flavor explodes on the palate. While the cigar is smooth, it is one of the most complex cigars made in the Dominican Republic. It is medium-bodied yet full flavored. This combination creates a pleasant aroma without the harsh or long finish that some cigars are plagued with. The Zino Platinum Scepter is the best and only way to spoil yourself on those occasions that warrant only the finest cigars.