Oliva Serie O Toro cigars are 6 inches by 50 ring. Oliva Serie O is a true gem of a cigar that, although often overlooked, will go down as one of the great cigars of our time. Known as the predecessor to the infamous Serie V, this cigar is a Nicaraguan puro—wrapper, filler, and binder. The heavily aged sun grown habano wrapper featured on the Serie O makes this a luxuriously smooth and rich treat for any connoisseur.
The plentiful draw produces ultra-rich white smoke, bombarding the palate with heavy spice and hints of milk chocolate and cinnamon. Oliva Serie O is a cigar that every cigar smoker should try at least once. Full-bodied, yet mellow and never overpowering, Serie O is a great introduction to heavier cigars for a beginner or intermediate. Pairing nicely with red wine or scotch, Serie O is great for any time of the day and is comparable to Oliva Serie V and Flor de Oliva. Luxurious, enjoyable, and affordable, Oliva Serie O will never disappoint.