From their Serie G and Serie V lines, Oliva has a foothold in the strong and full-bodied-cigar market, but when smokers at events started asking for a milder stick, Oliva set its sights on this new area. Oliva’s Connecticut Reserve is an amazing mild-to-medium body cigar that hits all the right flavor notes. Made in Nicaragua, this cigar has a surprising blend of Nicaraguan filler and binder tobaccos given its lighter body. The wrapper is a golden Ecuadorian Connecticut and provides an amazing creaminess to the smoke.
A beautiful white band surrounds the Oliva Connecticut Reserve and it is almost as striking as the gorgeous caramel colored wrapper leaf. Straight as an arrow, this smoke holds onto its ash until you feel obligated to tip it off. The pre-light aroma is a tantalizing sweetness and the draw can only be described as perfect. A complexity of flavors is omnipresent as the cigar transforms throughout each half. What starts as a nice smooth toastiness transforms into an extremely pleasant spice, coffee, and wood flavors.
An amazing cigar that, while mild, still piles on flavor and is constructed with excellence, The Connecticut Reserve is a must try for everyone. This cigar is perfect for any time of day.