Created to compliment the classic Montecristo White Series, the Montecristo White Vintage Connecticut Double Corona is a specially aged Dominican cigar that manages to expand on the former’s’ mild profile and allows even more flavor and complexity to shine through its smooth blend. Using a select USA Connecticut Shade wrapper on top of a Nicaraguan binder and a hearty mix of aged Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian fillers, this velvety, mild-bodied toro has no rivals in the arena of light yet flavorful premium cigars.
Montecristo White Vintage Connecticut Double Corona
Brand: Montecristo White Vintage Connecticut
Shape: Toro
Length: 6″1/4
Origin: Dominican Republic
Ring Gauge: 50
Strength: MILD
Wrapper Color: Natural
Rolling type: Handmade
Manufacturer: Altadis USA
Wrapper: USA Connecticut Shade
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Peru