Montecristo White Prontos Petites cigars have gone through a packaging change. Now sold in tins of 6 instead of 10 or a brick of 30, these are the same mild bodied 4 inch by 33 ring cigar you have previously loved. Smokers were searching for a milder version of the classic Montecristo brand, and boy did Altadis deliver with the Montecristo White. To make a mild cigar with this much flavor is a hard task, but Montecristo’s White Label pulls it off. A flavorful blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos are bound by a Nicaraguan binder. The beauty of this stick comes from the Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper leaf. Pale, creamy, and perfect are three words which would describe it.
A simplistic white band is all this cigars needs since the beauty of the wrapper leaf speaks for itself. The cigar feels slightly soft and it raised concerns about an under fill, but those fears quickly went up in smoke, literally. A razor sharp edge and perfect smooth draw was present from beginning to end. Montecristo White had an extremely tasty note of spice on first light but quickly mellowed into very creamy smoke.
Sometimes when a smoker sees a mild cigar it can be at the expense of flavor, but the Montecristo White is a wonderful exception. The creamy plethora of smoke which this stick provides is a perfect companion to a morning cup of coffee. Great to wake you up and get you moving on your day. If you are seeking something with just a little more oomph, the classic Montecristo line will be right up your alley.