The cigar that put Don “Pepin” Garcia on the map. The cigar that started it all. The Don Pepin Garcia Blue Label cigar is the original Garcia production. Produced in the Garcia Family’s My Father Factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, this classic blend helped take Pepin from a small shop in Miami to becoming one of the most sought after cigar blenders in the world. The Blue label is an all Nicaraguan blend using Pepin’s famous Corojo 99 wrapper. The cigar is full-bodied and carries that classic Pepin peppery start that is so well-known these days. Pepin is constantly producing more and more Nicaragua gems, but don’t forget the cigar that started it all. It still tastes as amazing as it did the day it first hit stores.
Don Pepin Garcia Blue Label Cigars, This is a Full bodied cigar with a unique composition and blend. It has an enjoyable flavor and exquisite aroma and construction. Made at the My Father Cigar Factory in Esteli, Nicaragua by the father and son team, Don Pepin Garcia and son Jaime are two of the hottest cigar manufacturers in the industry today. Their cigar expertise and years of experience making cigars in Cuba has lead to their success in the American cigar market, their cigars are in high demand worldwide. If you like Cuban style cigars that are rich and Full-bodied with lots of spice and pepper, then the Don Pepin Garcia Blue Label is a must try cigar for you.
Don Pepin Garcia Blue Label Demi Tasse
Strength: Full
Brand: No
Size: 4 1/2 x 32
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Corojo
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Origin: Nicaragua
Shape: Cigarillo
Categories: Don Pepin Garcia, Mini
Tags: Corojo, Full, Nicaragua
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